• greenclubnigeria@gmail.com

Go Green and Save the Future

Global warming, an ongoing concern that brings sober warnings. I ask my friends how they are and the response I get is “I’m cool”…”you say it’s cool when its really hot.” This is because greenhouse gases are emitted a lot: fumes from factories, emissions from vehicles, cutting down trees (trees that helps absorb CO2), all of these prevents us to live at ease. Global warming is a no no, the earth is getting hotter and all the snows are melting into water. But I bring you an idea, one you are welcome to glean from, its called “GOING GREEN”: Re-use whatever you can rather than buying a new one, help clean the air by planting trees and using clean energy, consume only what you need. By engaging in green activities, we can make the earth a better place to live and look at all the good things it can give. So, join this campaign that is sure to reign, love our earth and care for our environment. I have decided to go green and save the planet. #lets go green #happyearthday #Earthday #GreenCommunity

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