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Everyday Should be Earth Day – How can you get involved?

Everyday Should be Earth Day – How can you get involved?

Have you ever attended an Earth Day event and participated in an activity where you are asked to take a pledge to commit to taking one action or multiple actions to save the earth? Many such pledges include committing to carrying reusable utensils, saying no to single use plastics by taking a reusable bag when shopping, switching to a plant based diet or reducing meat. 

For some, taking such pledges may have marked the start of a life-long commitment to saving the earth. Others may have had their turning point when they personally experienced the devastating effects of climate change and global warming (flooding, hurricanes, wildfires) or were directly impacted by environmental pollution. Yet for many others, they noticed how the industry they worked in negatively impacted people and the environment and decided to make a difference. 

I fall within the last two categories. I grew up around open air incineration and was often exposed to car exhaust fumes. Living in such an environment caused me to suffer from respiratory illnesses like asthma.  When I started learning to become a fashion designer, I could not ignore the amount of waste we produced in our little tailor shop each day. These experiences made me pivot to choosing sustainability as a career. 

If you are wondering how to get involved in the fight to save ourselves by protecting the environment that we live in (in the end the fight is really to save ourselves!) I have good news for you!. You can start by supporting environmental causes through what you love doing the most! Your  job – whether you are a writer, banker, teacher, engineer, artist, doctor, graphics designer, etc., – can be transformed into a climate job through various measures such as implementing sustainable practices, reducing waste and carbon emissions, supporting climate and social justice, and promoting renewable energy sources.

While some jobs may have a more direct impact on mitigating climate change, such as roles in renewable energy production, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture, and ecosystem restoration; not everyone can be actively employed in such fields. So here’s my advice;

Find out how the field you work in may be contributing to the problem or how it could provide solutions to the problems and start from there. You don’t have to switch careers to become involved in saving the environment.

The goal should be to shift towards a more sustainable and climate-friendly economy, where every job is aligned with the principles of environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

You can also choose a career that aligns with your values: Consider choosing a career that allows you to contribute to environmental sustainability.

Choose to support businesses that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility. This could include buying from or investing in companies that use renewable energy sources or reduce waste and carbon emissions. For example you can choose to support thrift stores because they reduce waste or choose to buy products that are produced locally. 

You can also get involved in local environmental initiatives: Join local environmental organizations, attend community events, and participate in initiatives to reduce waste (waste is a big issue!) and promote sustainability in your community.

So my charge to you as we celebrate Earth Day today is to align your passions with environmental sustainability. You can commit to making a positive impact while doing what you love.

To stay up to date on global solutions to climate change and hear from thought leaders, CEOs, activists, and government agencies around the world, I recommend following the “Sustainability Nuggets” podcast. This podcast features conversation with individuals who are driving change in the sustainability space, providing listeners with valuable insights and inspiration on how to make a difference with valuable insights and inspiration on how to make a difference in their own lives and communities. By staying informed and connected to the latest developments and initiatives, we can all play a part in creating a more sustainable and just world for ourselves and future generations. So why not give a listen and see how you can get involved? Remember, everyday should be Earth Day!

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